26 April 2024 By Nicolas

Master the Art of Concept Note Crafting: Your Ultimate Guide to Success


In the professional world, writing a framework note is often necessary to launch a project or study. This document makes it possible to define the objectives, constraints and resources necessary to carry out the project. In this article, we offer you a complete guide to writing an optimized and professional example scoping note.

What is a scoping note?

A framework note is a document that presents the key elements of a project or study. It serves to provide a global vision of the work to be accomplished and allows the different stakeholders involved (team, partners, clients) to quickly understand all of the issues. The framework note must be clear, concise and precise in order to avoid any ambiguity or misunderstanding.

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The objectives of a framework note

  • Define the context of the project: why is this project launched? What are its challenges?
  • Specify the objectives to be achieved: what are the expected goals of the project? What are its expected benefits (turnover, image, etc.)?
  • Identify the stakeholders: who are they and what role will they play in the project?
  • List the constraints and risks: what are the potential difficulties to anticipate? How to limit or manage them?
  • Estimate the necessary budget: how much will it cost to carry out the project? What are the possible sources of financing?
  • Define a forecast schedule: what is the estimated duration of the project and what are its key milestones (start-up, intermediate stages, delivery)?

How to write an optimized and professional example framework note?

1. Context and issues of the project

In this first part, it is appropriate to explain why the project was initiated and what its challenges are. You can also mention the history of events leading to its creation.

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2. Project objectives

List here the main objectives you want to achieve with this project. Try to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely). For example :

  • Increase turnover by X% over a period of Y months;
  • Carry out an in-depth study on a given subject to improve our understanding of customer needs;
  • Implement a new IT system to facilitate internal management.

3. Project stakeholders

Identify here the actors involved in the project, whether internal (work team, management, etc.) or external (partners, clients, etc.). Describe their role and responsibilities within the project.

4. Constraints and risks

Draw up a list of the constraints to which your project is subject (deadlines, budget, human resources, etc.) and identify the potential risks linked to its completion. Also specify the measures you intend to put in place to limit these risks.

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5. Estimated budget

Establish an estimated budget for carrying out the project, taking into account all direct and indirect costs (salaries, materials, external services, etc.). Don’t forget to include a safety margin to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

6. Forecast calendar

Define a calendar with the main key stages of the project as well as their planned dates. This will allow everyone to follow the progress of the work and anticipate their own tasks.

To conclude: some additional advice

  • Write your framework note in a clear and concise style so that it is easily understandable by everyone;
  • Do not hesitate to use unusual words if this can add value to your text;
  • Proofread carefully to avoid spelling and syntax errors;
  • Present your document in a structured and concise manner, using headings, subheadings and bulleted lists.

By following these tips, you should be able to write an optimized and professional sample concept note. Remember that this document is essential for the success of your project: it must therefore be worked with care and precision.