26 April 2024 By Nicolas

Unlocking the Secrets of the Kbis Extract for French Associations: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Significance and Processes

What is the Kbis extract and why is it important for associations?

The Kbis extract is an official document issued by the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) which certifies the legal existence of a company or association. It is a sort of identity card of the organization, containing essential information such as:

  • Name, address and SIREN/SIRET number of the association
  • Date of registration with the RCS
  • Legal form (1901 law association, civil society, etc.)
  • Corporate purpose (activities carried out)
  • Expected lifespan
  • Identity of managers and directors

For certain associations, having a Kbis extract is obligatory because it allows them in particular:

  • To establish contracts with partners or service providers,
  • Open a professional bank account,
  • Request subsidies from local authorities or other public bodies.

What types of associations must register with the RCS?

Not all associations are required to register with the RCS. Only those with economic and commercial activity must do so. The associations concerned are mainly:

  • Associations under the 1901 law having an economic activity,
  • Civil societies (associations of co-owners, agricultural land groups, etc.),
  • Non-profit organizations carrying out ancillary lucrative activities.

How to obtain a Kbis extract for your association?

To register your association with the RCS and obtain a Kbis extract, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Draft the statutes of the association, specifying its legal form, its corporate purpose and its operating methods,
  2. Declare the creation of the association to the competent prefecture or sub-prefecture,
  3. Publish a notice of incorporation in a legal notice newspaper,
  1. Submit a registration file to the competent court registry. This file must contain in particular:
    • A copy of the statutes certified as true by the legal representative,
    • The declaration of managers and directors with their personal contact details,
    • The certificate of publication in a legal notices newspaper.}
  1. Once registration has been completed, you will receive your Kbis extract by mail or electronically.

Kbis extract, RNA number and SIREN/SIRET numbers: what are the differences for associations?

The Kbis extract is different from the RNA number (National Directory of Associations) which concerns all 1901 law associations, whether they have an economic activity or not. The RNA number certifies the legal existence of the association but does not give access to the same rights as the Kbis extract.

Some associations may also need a SIREN (Business Directory Identification System) number and/or a SIRET (Establishment Directory Identification System) number. These numbers are assigned by INSEE when the association is created and allow in particular:

  • To establish a link with social organizations,
  • To be listed in professional directories,
  • To facilitate their administrative procedures.}

Obtain a Kbis extract online via Infogreffe

To obtain a Kbis extract quickly and simply, you can make your request online on the Infogreffe.fr website. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Infogreffe.fr website,
  1. Enter the name of your association or its SIREN number in the search field,
  1. Click on “Order” then choose the “Kbis Extract” option,
  1. Fill in your details and proceed to payment online. The cost of an electronic Kbis extract is generally between €2.96 and €3.70 (including tax),}
  1. You will then receive your Kbis extract by email.}

FAQ: The Kbis extract for associations in France

– What is the Kbis extract?
The Kbis extract is an official document issued by the RCS which certifies the legal existence of a company or association.

– Why does my association need a Kbis extract?
A Kbis extract is necessary for certain administrative procedures such as signing contracts, opening a professional bank account or requesting subsidies.

– Does my association have to register with the RCS?
Only associations with economic and commercial activity must register with the RCS.

– How do I obtain a KBIS extract for my association?
To obtain a KBIS extract, you must register your association with the RCS by following the steps described in this article. You can then request a KBIS extract online via Infogreffe.fr.

– What is the difference between the Kbis extract and the RNA number?
The Kbis extract concerns associations having an economic activity, while the RNA number concerns all 1901 law associations. The RNA number certifies the legal existence of the association but does not give access to the same rights as the Kbis extract .

– Does my association need a SIREN or SIRET number?
Some associations may need a SIREN number and/or a SIRET number to facilitate their administrative procedures and establish a link with social organizations.