26 April 2024 By Nicolas

Unlocking the World of Sports Coaching: Salary, Educational Paths, and Essential Skills

Introduction to the profession of sports coach

The sports coach, also called a personal trainer or physical trainer, is a professional who supports and advises people wishing to improve their physical condition, their health or achieve specific sporting objectives. He assesses the physical abilities of his clients, sets up personalized training programs and sometimes leads group classes. The sports coach can work in different places such as fitness clubs, at home or even in a company.

Average salary of a sports coach

The salary of a sports coach varies depending on several factors such as professional experience, geographic location and type of employment (employee or independent). On average, a beginner earns around 1,800 euros gross per month. With a few years of experience, the monthly salary can reach between 2,000 and 3,500 euros gross. Independent coaches can earn more through hourly rates they set themselves.

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Variable remuneration depending on professional experience

  • Beginner: between €1,800 and €2,200 gross/month
  • Intermediate: between €2,200 and €3,000 gross/month
  • Experienced: between €3,000 and €4,500 gross/month

Studies and training necessary to become a sports coach

To work as a sports coach, it is necessary to have followed specific training in the field of sport. The most common diplomas are:

  • The BPJEPS (Professional Certificate in Youth, Popular Education and Sport): this diploma can be prepared in one year and allows access to sports coaching positions in clubs or associations.
  • The STAPS License (Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities): this university training extends over three years and offers a specialization in sports training.
  • The STAPS Master’s degree in training or sports management: these two additional years after the license allow you to acquire in-depth skills in training, physical preparation or even management of sports establishments.
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Other professional training can also be considered to access the profession, such as the DEUST (Diploma of scientific and technical university studies) mention Fitness professions or the CQP ALS AGEE (Professional Qualification Certificate for Sports Leisure Facilitator option Gymnastic Activities Maintenance and Expression).

Skills required to work as a sports coach

A good sports coach must have certain key skills to practice his profession successfully:

  • Pedagogy : know how to explain and demonstrate the exercises, adapt the training program according to the client’s level and objectives.
  • Empathy : listen to the needs and expectations of your customers, understand their motivations and their difficulties.
  • Rigor : plan training sessions, ensure regular monitoring of the progress made by the client.
  • Dynamism : motivate and encourage clients to give their best during training sessions.
  • The meaning of relational : create a relationship of trust with your customers, know how to communicate effectively with them.
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Diversity of designations and possible places of practice for a sports coach

Depending on the structures in which they work or the specialization they choose, sports coaches can have different names:

  • Personal trainer: this English term generally refers to a sports coach who offers individual sessions at home or in a gym. The personal trainer adapts his coaching to the specific needs of each client (fitness, weight loss, muscle strengthening, etc.).
  • Fitness trainer : this professional specializes in the training and preparation of high-level athletes. He generally works within sports teams or federations.

There are multiple possible places of exercise for a sports coach:

  • Fitness clubs
  • Gym
  • At home (individual coaching)
  • In companies (group coaching, team building)

Main tasks of the sports coach

Among the main missions of the sports coach, we find:

  • Assessment of the client’s physical capabilities and needs.
  • The implementation of personalized programs adapted to the client’s objectives and constraints.
  • Facilitating group or individual lessons depending on the location.

Beyond technical skills, the job of sports coach requires a real passion for sport and a constant desire to help others progress. The personal satisfaction felt when a client achieves their goals is often one of the greatest rewards for these dedicated professionals.