26 April 2024 By Nicolas

Revolutionizing Society: The Impact of Teleworking and Fully Remote Companies on Public Transformation


The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has caused a revolution in the world of work, forcing many companies to adopt teleworking to ensure the continuity of their activities. Among these new modes of organization, we are observing the emergence of “Full Remote” companies, which operate exclusively remotely. In this context, NUMA is launching the Remote Academy, a series of interactive webinars aimed at helping organizations and employees adapt effectively to remote work.

What is Full Remote?

Full Remote is a method of organizing work where all employees work permanently from their home or any other location outside the company premises. This model differs from traditional teleworking where some employees can alternate between days in the office and days working from home.

This organization has several advantages for companies:

  • Reduction of costs linked to premises (rent, charges, etc.)
  • Increased flexibility for employees
  • Possibility of recruiting talents without geographical constraints
  • Reduction in travel times and therefore improvement in the quality of life of employees
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Variant: The Semi-Remote or Hybrid Remote

Another variation of Full Remote is Semi-Remote or Hybrid Remote, which combines remote working and physical presence in the company. In this model, employees work from home part of the week and travel to the office for specific meetings or events.

The Remote Academy by NUMA

Faced with this new work reality, NUMA decided to launch the Remote Academy. This is a series of interactive webinars aimed at companies and employees wishing to learn how to telework effectively.

These online training courses will cover several key themes such as:

  • Maintain good remote working practices
  • Manage your time and priorities
  • Promote communication between colleagues despite the distance
  • Ensure regular monitoring of projects and individual/collective objectives
  • Promoting well-being at work in a context of intensive teleworking

The event will take place online (virtual) over several dates in order to accommodate a maximum number of participants. For more information on the program, speakers and registration details, visit the official NUMA website.

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Maintaining good remote working practices: some tips

In order to be effective when working remotely, it is essential to implement certain best practices. Here are some tips for maintaining optimal organization:

  • Create a dedicated and comfortable workspace, if possible away from distractions
  • Establish a daily routine with set times for getting up, working, taking breaks and going to bed
  • Promote regular communication with colleagues via appropriate tools (instant messaging, videoconferencing, etc.)
  • Clearly define your objectives and establish a weekly schedule to achieve them
  • Prioritize important and urgent tasks at the start of the day
  • Take breaks to avoid overwork or social isolation

What transformations should we adopt sustainably?

Beyond the current context linked to the pandemic, it is likely that teleworking will continue in many companies. To successfully make this transition to a more flexible mode of organization, here are some avenues to explore:

  • Establish a clear policy regarding teleworking (authorized days, equipment provided by the company, etc.) in order to avoid inconsistencies between employees.

    Develop a corporate culture focused on trust and autonomy, prioritizing objectives rather than control of working time.

  • Invest in efficient collaborative tools to facilitate remote communication and information sharing (project management platforms, instant messaging, etc.).
  • Regularly organize virtual or physical events to strengthen team cohesion (team meetings, training, workshops, etc.).
  • Put in place personalized support to help employees adapt to teleworking (coaching, training, etc.) and prevent psychosocial risks linked to isolation or stress.

In conclusion, Full Remote represents a major opportunity to sustainably transform our ways of working. The Remote Academy by NUMA is an interesting initiative which aims to support this transition by offering training adapted to the needs of companies and employees. It is therefore essential to learn to master these new practices now to be ready when this transformation becomes essential.